Minutes of the February 13, 2011 meeting of the Kanawha Alumni Association


The Kanawha Alumni Association met (in the area that would once have been Mrs. Berry’s room) at the Burnsville Public School at 2:07 p. m. on Sunday, February 13 for a regular meeting.


Those in attendance were

·         KAA President Tom Crutchfield

·         Carl Ray Blake

·         Esther Blake

·         Sharon Brady

·         Sherry Brown

·         Shirley Lloyd

·         Paul Peck

·         Jim Pritt

·         Deanna Stewart

·         Margret Willey


The year for the January 16 minutes was changed from “2010” to “2011”. With this change, the January 16, 2011 meeting were read and approved. [M/s Margret Willey/ Shirley Lloyd]


Treasurer Shirley Lloyd reported balances to January 31, 2011.

The checking account balance on January 31 was $8,785.71. In February, she had made a payment to Deanna Stewart for $903.12 to reimburse for the purchase of furniture for the Alumni Room. One other payment had been made and interest had been posted. The current balance was $7,881.80. The Treasurer’s report was approved. [M/ s Margret Willey/ Esther Blake]


Shirley Lloyd reported that the KAA can pick up the keys to the Community Building from Carol Dean soon after either 2:00 p. m. or 3:00 p. m. on Saturday and then use the building for the rest of the evening.


It was reported that the Karaoke Cowboys want to begin performing at 7:30 p. m.

The KAA discussed where to feed the reunion classes. The new floor in the basement of the cafeteria can be easily scarred by moving chairs. It was decided to feed the reunion classes in the gymnasium.


After discussion of music, the KAA decided to have only one band, the Karaoke Cowboys, perform. We want them to perform from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p. m. Margret Willey will confirm this with the band. Since we will probably be using the gymnasium to feed the reunion classes, tables and chairs will need to be moved before the band performs. KAA President Tom Crutchfield will see that this is done. Later in the meeting, Tom also agreed to see that the chairs and tables were moved to the gym and set up prior to the banquet.


Paul Peck reported that he has made no progress on the IRS number issue.

Margret Willey reported that Dick Graff and Darwin Plumlee are to be our auctioneers. Sandy Plumlee had put our event on Darwin’s calendar.


Jim Pritt had prepared a materials list for the renovation of the stage on the playground. He had then gotten an estimate on the materials from Rexroad’s. The work will be done by volunteer labor and Jim will coordinate the volunteer’s work. Denzil Wine will do the electrical work.


Jim projected a cost of $300 for each of the contributing parties—the KAA, the Burnsville School Reunion Committee, and the Town of Burnsville.


KAA President Tom Crutchfield will recruit servers for the banquet. He and Sheri Brown will go the Braxton County High School to attempt to recruit juniors from the Burnsville area as servers. Jim Pritt thought that the amount of pay set aside for the servers was not high enough. As a result, the Burnsville School Reunion will donate $180 to be divided between the servers. It was suggested that the KAA might get shirts from the Burnsville Public Library to give to the servers.


There was some discussion of the Alumni Room. We want to have a greeter in the room and also to have tours of the school. Deanna Stewart showed us a sample picture rail and discussed furniture which has already been purchased. The KAA made no change to the motion it approved on January 16, 2011 authorizing Deanna to purchase the furniture which she had described to us for the Alumni Room.


KAA President Tom Crutchfield will attempt to get the orange and black street signs which the Town of Burnsville is replacing.


The Harvest Festival wants to add a flyer publicizing the festival to our mailing. It was suggested instead that they be allowed to display flyers at the Friday night cookout and at the Saturday night banquet and a motion to that effect was approved. [M/ s Sheri Brown/ Shirley Lloyd]


Who will cook the banquet? It is unlikely that the PTA will do the cooking this year. Deanna Stewart will check with the PTA again and then with the school cooks. As a third possibility—Plan C—KAA President Tom Crutchfield suggested having Sid Robinson cater the banquet.


The KAA approved a motion to have the same menu as last year:

Baked steak

Mashed potatoes

Cole slaw

Green Beans


Apple sauce


[M/s Shirley Lloyd/ Carl Ray Blake]


The meeting concluded with discussion of the following check list of 16 items:

Margret Willey will attempt to book the Braxton County High School band for the parade.

Margret Willey has gotten the list of area seniors.

1)    The KAA will pay Allen Strader, the school janitor, $150 for cleaning duties.

2)    Margret Willey will purchase the food and supplies needed. It was suggested that she price these items through the Wendling Company. Any extra non-perishable supplies will be stored with our chairs and tables.

3)    Margret Willey and Sheri Brown will mail the flyers and reservation forms by April 15.

4)    We need to get flowers for the oldest alum of each sex.

5)    A committee of all of the past award winners present will select this year’s award winners after the next meeting.

6)    As noted above, KAA President Tom Crutchfield and Sheri Brown will recruit the servers.

7)    Margret Willey will recruit and schedule the workers for the entrance.

8)    It was reported that the sound system for the playground is O. K.

9)    Sharon Brady will confirm that Jennings Dancy will be our song leader.

10)Shirley Lloyd will play the piano.

11)The program information needs to be compiled soon in order to have the programs printed. Margret Willey will secure an estimate for printing the programs from Lewis County Printing and Deanna Stewart will secure another estimate from the FBLA chapter at the high school.

12)Margret Willey will secure the permit to hang the banner from the highway department before May 1 st.

13)The Alumni Sermon will be held at the Baptist Church. Darwin Plumlee, whose wife Sandy is a member of the Class of 1961 (the 50-year reunion class) will be asked to speak.

14)Margret Willey will contact B. J. Mick to see how much Mick scholarship money is available for this year.


The date, time, and place for the next meeting were set: Sunday, March 13, 2011, 2:00 p. m., at the Burnsville School.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p. m.

Read and approved: Paul Peck, Recording Secretary of the KAA

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