Minutes of the February 28, 2009 Meeting of the Kanawha Alumni Association


The meeting of the Kanawha Alumni Association was called to order by Association President David Parmer at 2:00 p. m. in the Burnsville School cafeteria.


Those in attendance were

·         David Parmer

·         Paul Peck

·         Margret Willey

·         Larry Wine


Secretary Paul Peck read the minutes of the January 25, 2009 meeting and these were approved. [M/s Margret Willey/ Larry Wine]


It was noted that the officers had changed the date of this meeting from February 21 to February 28.


The Treasurer was absent.


Larry Wine noted that he didn’t know about the last meeting. Someone needs to call him if he is not present when meetings are scheduled.


Margret Willey had contacted Paul Bragg to see if his band would play for the square dancing. He has not replied.


Margret reported that Russ McClain had spoken with Jo Ann Smith about the band’s cleaning and moving tables and chairs.


Larry will contact a speaker for the Alumni Sermon. He will check with the Baptist Women’s group to see if they were going to have a hot dog sale after the parade as they did last year. Paul Peck will check with the Burnsville United Methodist Women to see if they will serve refreshments during the morning of the parade as they have the last two years.


Russ McClain will again make his timeshare at Gatlinburg available for payment of $250 maintenance fee if we want to raffle it. The cost would be to pay his $200 maintenance fee for the timeshare and the cost, if any, of preparing tickets. However, it wasn’t clear that the K. A. A. had made any profit from last year’s raffle. The K. A. A. decided to wait until the Treasurer’s records for last year are available before deciding upon having the raffle.


Dustin Crutchfield will be assisting the K. A. A. in all its activities as part of an internship for a class at Glenville State College.


Margret reported that renovations at the Burnsville School would begin on April 1. It is not known yet whether the work will start upstairs or downstairs. Either will cause difficulty for the K. A. A.


Margret reported that we have two metal file cabinets and one wooden file cabinet in the Alumni Room in the school auditorium balcony. We do not need all of them and the suggestion was made to include the surplus one(s) in the auction. The teacher’s desk might also be auctioned as it is not being used. There is 7.5 foot long trophy case which will need to be stored and the trophy case and trophies in the main hall will need to be stored. Various possibilities were discussed. Larry Wine is contact Roy McDougal regarding the possibility of getting a special rate for the use of one of his storage units. Paul Peck is to speak with the appropriate officials at the Burnsville United Methodist Church concerning storing some items in the Church basement.


Dustin Crutchfield will assist Margret in preparing an inventory before items are moved to storage.


Margret had contacted the Braxton County High School band to see if they will perform in the Alumni parade; they are to get back with her.


Margret will prepare a list of the supplies which need to be purchased for the banquet.

Larry Wine announced that he would not be an officer next year but would be willing to help with the work which K. A. A. needs to have done. David Parmer said that next year would probably be the last which he would serve as president.


Larry Wine will contact Darwin Plumlee and Dixie Graff to see if they will hold an auction for us as they did last year.


It was determined that the following members of the Association be contacted prior to the next meeting and encouraged to attend it:

             Cherry Dale Ramsey

             Linda Moore

             Shirley Lloyd

             Russ McClain

             Jim Pritt

             Steve Brown

             Martha Belle Taylor

             Paul Bragg

             Paul Crutchfield


The reservation forms will be mailed by April 15, 2009. Margret Willey was authorized to purchase 1,500 “Forever” stamps. [M/s Paul Peck/ Larry Wine] David Parmer will email his membership list to Margret in order for comparisons, updates, and corrections to be made.


The next meeting was scheduled for Saturday, March 14, 2009 at 2:00 p. m. at the Burnsville School cafeteria.


The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p. m. [M/s Paul Peck/ Margret Willey]


Read and approved

Paul Peck, Secretary

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