Minutes of the Kanawha Alumni Association
February 14, 2016 Meeting
The Kanawha Alumni Association (KAA) met at the Burnsville Public Library.  The members present were Sharon Brady, Lamona Casto, Dustin Crutchfield, Tom Crutchfield, Shirley Lloyd, Butch McPherson, Paul Peck, Donna Singleton, Deanna Stewart, and Margret Willey.
KAA President Tom Crutchfield called the meeting to order at 1:42 p.m.


KAA President Tom Crutchfield read the draft minutes of the January 17, 2016 meeting as a guide for conducting old business.

Donna Singleton reported that 171 recipes have been collected; she still hopes to get 200 recipes before the cookbook is published.  Our order must be in by February 28 for use of the discount coupon.  Donna will continue to collect recipes this week.  She noted that we can do all the order online; the KAA will benefit from an 85 cent coupon per book plus a discount for typing in recipes.  Donna is also typing a history of the Alumni Association to put in the cookbook and she will recognize the school cooks.


The KAA discussed having a special postmark.  We reviewed the one that we had used before.  Margret Willey had a copy of the letter that we submitted to the Postmaster the previous time.  She gave this to Donna Singleton to use as a model this year.  The KAA can sell postmarked envelopes for 62 cents; the KAA will keep the previous design and change dates.  Deanna Stewart and Donna will proceed with the postmark project.


Paul Peck and Dustin Crutchfield reported on application to Calhoun Banks for a scholarship donation.  A letter incorporating changes that Royce Steele had shared with Donna Singleton had been sent via email to Royce Steele with Paul Peck "signing" for the KAA.  No response had been received.


The KAA discussed request for knickknacks for giveaways.


Paul Peck had sent a letter to Eva Brown Hinkle thanking her for her painting of Dolly Sods that the KAA had auctioned last year.  He acknowledged the assistance of Lamona Casto who had confirmed the painting's theme with her sister Hilda.


Donna Singleton had spoken to the new Braxton County High School (BCHS) band director concerning participating and expectations for the KAA parade.  The BCHS band should participate.  Since the KAA's January 17 meeting, Butch McPherson and Donna met to discuss the parade; he shared information with her from his previous work as KAA parade organizer and he will help Donna as needed this year.


Donna Singleton had called last year's DJ.  He was already booked for May 28 but he gave Donna the name of another DJ, Don Niles.  After speaking with Don Niles and then some other KAA officers, Donna sent Don Niles a contract for $300 plus a meal for being the KAA DJ on the evening of May 28.  The KAA officially approved this arrangement. [M/s Butch McPherson/Sharon Brady]


Donna Singleton and Deanna Stewart gave an update on their efforts to teach Burnsville School students about the history of their school.  They think that Tammy Brown's first grade class will win prizes as the most knowledgeable class.


It was noted that the next meeting will be Sunday, March 20, 2016.


The minutes of the January 17, 2016 meeting were approved with four corrections. [M/s Paul Peck/Dustin Crutchfield]


Shirley Lloyd gave the Treasurer's report.  During January, our starting balance in the checking account was $572.27; the KAA received $2.52 interest and spent $5.15 for electric service at the stage.  The Treasurer's Report was accepted. [M/s Margret Willey/Donna Singleton] 


New Business


Tom Crutchfield suggested some possible themes for this year's Alumni Day based upon hymns or poetry.


Deanna Stewart talked about stage decorations.
Dustin Crutchfield has the KAA Facebook page up and running. The Facebook page has a link to our webpage and currently has about 15 followers.  Dustin also told us that his mother had quilted an orange and black quilt that is being donated to the KAA.  The KAA will raffle the quilt.
After discussion, the KAA will request blocking both sides of Route 5 during the parade.  The parade will start at 11:00 a.m.
The Alumni Room will be open from 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on the 28th.
The KAA will need signs on easels to show where things are in the school.
Donna Singleton made a suggestion concerning the name tags.
Butch McPherson will speak with Mayor Paul Bragg about using Town's sound system.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p. m. [M/s Deanna Stewart/ Butch McPherson]


Read and approved:


Paul Peck

Recording Secretary of the Kanawha Alumni Association

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