Minutes of the January 25, 2009 Meeting of the Kanawha Alumni Association


The meeting of the Kanawha Alumni Association was called to order by Association President David Parmer at 2:00 p. m. in the Burnsville School cafeteria.


Those in attendance were

·         David Parmer

·         Sharon Brady

·         Steve Brown

·         Dustin Crutchfield

·         Shirley Lloyd

·         Linda Moore

·         Paul Peck

·         Barbara Parmer

·         Margret Willey.


Secretary Paul Peck read the minutes of the June 28, 2008 meeting and these were approved. [M/s Margret Willey/ Linda Moore]


Treasurer Shirley Lloyd gave a treasurer’s report. She noted that she had been making monthly payments to the electric company for the light at the playground, that she had paid the post office box rent, and the rent for the safe deposit box for 2009. She then reported the balances in the Association’s checking and endowment accounts at the end of December and noted interest earned on the Association’s certificates of deposit. The secretary received a printed copy of the treasurer’s report.


Margret Willey told us that the 2010 Alumni weekend will probably be impacted by the renovations to the Burnsville School. We may have to store our records and equipment at another site and we may have to find a special place to have the banquet and our annual business meeting. However, it seems likely that this year’s activities will not be affected by the renovation.


Margret Willey reported that the PTO will be the cooks for the banquet. After discussion, the Association decided that the menu will be the same except for the desserts which will be a choice of yellow cake or chocolate cake both with chocolate icing.


It was noted that the banquet date will be May 23, 2009, as Memorial Day will be observed on Monday, May 25, 2009 this year.


Margret Willey has contacted the Karaoke Cowboys through Brad Moyers. They will perform from 8:30 p. m. until 10:30 p. m. for $200.00. They had expressed an interest in performing outdoors on the stage at the playground but the K. A. A. decided that was not a good idea. Margret Willey will contact Paul Bragg to see if his band will perform for square dancing. Shirley Lloyd will contact Martha Belle Taylor about bringing some dancers.


Someone needs to check with Jo Ann Smith to see if the band will move and clean the tables and chairs. Margret reported some difficulty in getting photographs for display upstairs prior to the business meeting. David discussed the format for the meeting; he will again prepare questions about graduates of Burnsville High School and would like to use pictures of the persons referred to in the questions.


No decision was made on a speaker for the Alumni Sermon on May 24 th. We did not know if Russ McClain was going to make his time share at Gatlinburg available for another raffle. A question was raised concerning putting up the banner. Margret Willey will contact Larry Wine prior to the next meeting to see if he is going to organize the parade.


After some discussion, the next meeting was scheduled for Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 2:00 p. m. at the Burnsville School cafeteria.


The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p. m.


Read and approved:

Paul Peck, Secretary

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