Minutes of the July 10, 2010Meeting of the Kanawha Alumni Association


The meeting of the Kanawha Alumni Association was called to order by Association President Tom Crutchfield at 2:00 p. m. at the Burnsville Public Library.


Those in attendance were

·         Tom Crutchfield

·         Russell McClain

·         David Parmer

·         Paul Peck

·         Jimmy Pritt

·         Margret Willey


David Parmer gave Margret his key to the KAA’s safe deposit box.


The minutes of the May 2, 2010 meeting were read and approved. [M/s

Jim Pritt/ Russell McClain]


It was noted that Barbara Brown Wilson had taken the oath and had become an honorary member of KAA at this year’s business meeting. Darrell Skinner had also been approved for honorary membership; however, he did not attend the business meeting. He must take the oath at some future meeting in order to become an honorary member. Joe Conley, Braxton County High School Class of 1970, had said that he would take the oath this year but he also did not attend the business meeting.


Margret Willey reported that she had sent out approximately 1,200 invitations to the Alumni Banquet; she had received 235 reservations.


Russell McClain suggested that the KAA lower the price of the banquet. Jimmy Pritt suggested that we review the entire program. He proposed that we meet in September to discuss ideas and asked everyone to prepare a list of suggestions.


Russell McClain commented upon the lack of participation in square dancing as compared with the cost of the band for square dancing. David Parmer reminded us that the restricted parking on the playground and near the school caused by the renovations to the school had played a role in lowering our attendance.


The KAA approved a motion authorizing Russell McClain to reserve the Community Building on behalf of the KAA for the Alumni weekend. [M/s

Paul Peck/ David Parmer]


KAA President Tom Crutchfield suggested the following theme for 2011: “Old School—New School”. He also reported that Burnsville School will have a new principal this academic year.


Margret Willey read a letter of appreciation for the KAA’s efforts in conducting the annual Alumni Banquet weekend which Mary Moran Bush had sent to her.


The next meeting was scheduled for September 12, 2010 at 2:00 p. m. at the Burnsville Public Library.


The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p. m. [M/s Russell McClain/ Margret Willey]

Read and approved:

Paul Peck, Secretary


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