Minutes of the June 7, 2009 Meeting of the Kanawha Alumni Association


The meeting of the Kanawha Alumni Association was called to order by Association President David Parmer at 2:00 p. m. at the Burnsville Public Library.


Those in attendance were

·         David Parmer

·         Dustin Crutchfield

·         Shirley Lloyd

·         Barbara Parmer

·         Paul Peck

·         Jean Stout

·         Margret Willey


The minutes of the May 16, 2009 meeting were read and approved as read.

[M/s Margret Willey/ Shirley Lloyd]


Shirley Lloyd gave a Treasurer’s report from the check book and from notes. There was no printed copy for the Secretary. The balance in the checking account at the end of April had been $10,332.92. The balance on June 7, 2009 at the time of the report was $10,471.73. She reported balances on two CD’s at United Bank as $1,718.56 and $1,500.00. She also reported balances on two CD’s at City National Bank as $1,000.00 and $6,250.43. The Endowment Fund balance was $2,355.00. The Treasurer’s report was approved. [M/s Margret Willey/ Jean Stout]


Cherry Ramsey had sent a suggestion that we rent the Community Building for all day for the next Alumni Day. Classes wishing to use it in the morning and afternoon could “sublet” it from the KAA and the KAA could use it for round dancing next year as they had this. There was some discussion of pros and cons of this but no action was taken.

Barbara Parmer reminded us that Larry Wine had said that he did not want to serve as Vice President for 2009-2010 term (although he had said that he would help.) However, the KAA in plenary session had reelected the existing slate of officers. We need to determine whether he will serve and, if not, select a replacement. Next year, the officers should have a full slate of nominees to present to the plenary session with, as always, an opportunity for nominations from the floor. Paul Peck will contact Larry Wine to see if he will serve.


It was reported that several attendees had expressed regret or concern that no auction was held this year. Darwin Plumlee had not been notified; he and his wife, Sandy Mayse Plumlee, had brought a special item for the auction and Sandy had expressed her disappointment that no auction was held. After discussion, the KAA still believes that the right decision was made for this year but will make every effort to have an auction next year even if the auditorium is not available to us.


Jean Stout reported that at least two alumni had made extra donations on Friday night at the Burnsville School Reunion thinking that these funds were going to the KAA. Some clarification on this point might be made in next year’s mailing.


Another concern was that the name tags had not stuck to the clothing of the attendees. Options were discussed. David Parmer will check on the cost of buying lanyards in bulk. It was suggested that it might be possible to get an orange and black ribbon to attach the lanyards to.


Some complaints had been heard about the menu for the banquet. There was some discussion of perhaps adding either salad or cole slaw.


Treasurer Shirley Lloyd initiated a discussion of the electric service at the playground stage. Margret Willey will ask both the committee for the Burnsville School Reunion (aka “Friday Night Event”) and the Town of Burnsville to see if either or both might be willing to share in paying the costs for this service.


It was reported that it may not be necessary to remove the large trophy case from the school building during the renovation. The contractors may be able to move it up or down the hall in order to work around it. However, Kim Dennison, the school principal, wants the standard glass in the case replaced with plexi-glass for safety purposes. There is also interest in putting some kind of support under the case. A new key pad is also needed. David Parmer suggested that we might wish to contact a cabinet maker for this work. Jean Stout said that Roger Hall had suggested that we contact Mike McCoy. Paul Peck will speak with Mike McCoy to see if he is interested in working on this project.


Paul Peck reported that the Burnsville United Methodist Women were not going to serve refreshments during next year’s parade. They didn’t think that enough parade attendees had gotten refreshments to make it a worthwhile service project. The attendance at the Continental breakfast which they had prepared before the Alumni Sermon was also sparse and they had gone on record to not prepare another one if the Burnsville United Methodist Church. It was noted that their Continental breakfasts for the past two years had a much more extensive menu than is usually associated with a Continental breakfast. David Parmer suggested that the KAA might wish to make a donation to the host church if the Continental breakfast was something which the KAA wished to be a part of the Alumni Sermon morning. A motion was approved that the KAA make a donation to the host church if a continental breakfast was served before the Alumni Sermon. [M/s Barbara Parmer/ Shirley Lloyd] Treasurer Shirley Lloyd wrote a $50.00 check to the Burnsville Methodist Church as a donation for this year’s Continental breakfast; she gave it to Paul Peck to deliver.


It was noted that we should start securing a pastor for the Alumni Sermon early next year and that every effort should be made to have a pastor who was a graduate of Burnsville High School. Paul Peck observed that those who didn’t attend this year’s message missed a good sermon.


Margret noted that the Journal of the Braxton County Historical Society had some names of alumni who had died in the past year which were not in the program booklet.

It was noted that the program booklet had received many favorable comments.


The next meeting was scheduled for Sunday, February 14, 2010, the second Sunday in February next, at 2:00 p. m. at either the Burnsville School cafeteria or the Burnsville Public Library to begin planning for the 2010 Alumni weekend.


The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p. m.

Read and approved:

Paul Peck, Secretary

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