Minutes of the October 31, 2010 Meeting of the Kanawha Alumni Association


The meeting of the Kanawha Alumni Association was called to order by Association President Tom Crutchfield at 2:00 p. m. at the Burnsville Public Library.


Those in attendance were

·         Tom Crutchfield

·         Sherri Brown

·         Paul Peck

·         Jim Pritt

·         Margret Willey


Eva Crim Riffle attended the opening of the meeting. She is a Braxton County High School graduate with the Class of 1981 who lived in Orlando when she graduated. She wants to become a member of the KAA. Her request was approved. [M/s Sherri Brown/ Paul Peck]


She filled out appropriate paperwork and will take the Oath of Membership this spring.


She will be a regular member due to graduation status.


The minutes of the September 26, 2010 meeting were read and approved. [M/s Paul Peck / Sherri Brown]


There was no treasurer’s report.


Paul Peck informed those present that he had attempted to file an IRS 990 postcard form for the KAA online before an October 15 tax deadline. The system had not recognized the EIN for the KAA. Margret Willey had attempted to contact an IRS office to discuss this but had been unsuccessful. Sherri Brown suggested that Paul try to file the form again online. Margret said that Cherry Ramsey has been filing reports for some volunteer organizations which she is a member of and, therefore, might be able to help with this reporting.


Paul Peck is to get Barbara Brown Wilson’s mailing address for addition to the KAA files.


Tom Crutchfield had contacted Billy Rose’s band. They are tentatively set to perform bluegrass and square dancing music at the KAA Reunion. Tom will keep in touch with them as the date approaches. During the discussion of musical performances at the KAA Reunion, it was suggested that more participation by younger alumni might occur if the other band performed on the stage at the playground.


Jim Pritt suggested that the KAA hire seven or eight young persons to serve at the KAA banquet. He thinks that this will be appreciated especially by the older alumni in attendance. He suggested that we pay the servers $50.00 each. Later in the meeting, someone suggested that the KAA could also encourage banquet attendees to tip their servers.


Margret Willey suggested that thank you cards be sent to those who had helped to move our chairs and tables recently. Jim Pritt suggested that a thank you card also be sent to Bill McKnight in appreciation for his support of the alumni weekend.


Tom Crutchfield suggested sending a post card to each KAA member during the Christmas season alerting them to the upcoming alumni weekend in May. Stamped postcards can be purchased from the postal service for 30¢ each. As there are about 1,200 members on the mailing list, the cost would be approximately $360.00. The KAA approved sending postcards to the members at Christmas. [M/s Margret Willey/ Paul Peck] Margret Willey and Sherri Brown will work together on this project; the KAA will review progress at the next meeting.


Margret Willey reported that the following persons had helped in moving our chairs and tables: Tom Crutchfield, Margret Willey, Sherri Brown, Teresa Brown, Rick Ratliff, Jeff Johnson, Linda Moore, Carl Ray and Esther Blake, Deanna Stewart, and Sharon Jean Brady.


Jim Pritt suggested that we have a guest speaker for our Alumni Day program; this might be some alumnus who had significant achievements.


After some discussion, there was a consensus that we would like to ask the alumni another set of questions concerning alumni such as David Parmer had prepared on two previous occasions. We may want to have both a guest speaker and a questions session as part of the program. The KAA will discuss this further at a future meeting.

It was reported that Carol Dean had reserved the Community Building for May 28, 2011, the date of the Alumni Banquet. Jim Pritt had attempted to contact her to request use of the Community Building by the KAA after 4:00 p. m. if we should need the extra space for serving meals.


Margret Willey reported that Roy McDougal will tell us how much we owe him for use of the unit at his storage facility; the KAA will need to move the remaining items there back to the school.


Tom Crutchfield reported that Russell McClain wants to donate a love seat and a computer desk and chair to the KAA for use in the Alumni Room (balcony). Paul Peck suggested that this offer be discussed with Deanna Stewart who is going to be in charge of the Alumni Room. If she doesn’t think the items fit in with her plans, Paul suggested that Russ might be asked to donate the items to the Alumni Auction.


Jim Pritt reported that major repairs are needed for the stage at the playground. He suggested that the KAA, the Burnsville School Reunion Committee, and the Town of Burnsville might split the costs for the project. Darrell Brown is to be asked to give Tom Crutchfield an estimate for the project.


Sherri Brown and Margret Willey are also going to be working on compiling a list of Braxton County High School graduates who were eligible to become members of the KAA. Sherri Brown suggested that we might send a special post card to these individuals and the Braxton County High School graduates who are already members of the KAA to encourage their participation in the alumni weekend events.


The date and time for the next meeting was set as Monday, November 29, 2010, at 7:00 p. m.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:13 p. m. [M/s Jim Pritt / Sherri Brown]


Read and approved:

Paul Peck, Secretary

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