Minutes of the September 26, 2010 Meeting of the Kanawha Alumni Association

  The meeting of the Kanawha Alumni Association was called to order by Association President Tom Crutchfield at 2:00 p. m. at the Burnsville Public Library.


Those in attendance were

·         Tom Crutchfield

·         Shirley Lloyd

·         Linda Moore

·         Paul Peck

·         Margret Willey.


The minutes of the July 10, 2010 meeting were read and approved. [M/s

Shirley Lloyd / Linda Moore]


It was noted that the originally scheduled meeting date of September 12, 2010 had been changed to September 26, 2010 by consent of the officers.


It was reported that there will be an open house on October 11 between 4:30 and 7:00 p. m. at Burnsville School to show case the recent renovations.


Treasurer’s Report by Shirley Lloyd:

·         Checking account balance at the end of June was $9,600.96;

·         at the end of July it was $9,597.21.

·         Four CD balances were

o   $1,746.44 (5-28-10),

o   $1,500.00 (6-17-10),

o   $1,000.00 (7-22-10),

o   $6,333.31 (8-28-10).


Paul Peck is to send Barbara Brown Wilson’s address to Margret Willey.


The KAA approved a motion to see if Billy Rose’s blue grass/country music band would perform the square dancing music at the 2011 banquet. Tom Crutchfield will see if the arrangements can be made. [M/s Tom Crutchfield/ Margret Willey]


Margret Willey will check with Helen Wine to confirm that the KAA has reserved the Community Building for the alumni weekend.


Shirley Lloyd circulated a thank you card which she had received from the Burnsville United Methodist Church expressing the Church’s appreciation for the donation which the KAA had made to the Church for the privilege of using the sanctuary for the 2010 annual business meeting and program.


New business:


Margret Willey reported that our tables and chairs will be moved downstairs in the school to a new room for storage. Carl Ray Blake is building a cart on which the tables and chairs can be efficiently stacked for storage and for moving when needed. The materials for this cart will cost about $250.00. The KAA will need to have the large trophy case reassembled in the Alumni Room. The class pictures will be put back up in the school. Some of the pictures are being repaired.


Our storage unit at Roy McDougal’s storage business is double locked. It will be necessary to see how much we owe and to pay the past balance.


Shirley Lloyd suggested that KAA designate one person to be in charge of advertising and suggested that we inform the community and alumni of KAA activities and plans frequently. Linda Moore volunteered to be the KAA’s advertising reporter. Her first project is to advertise the upcoming open house at the Burnsville School in the local newspapers.


KAA President Tom Crutchfield discussed some of his plans for implementing the “Old School—New School” theme for this year’s banquet.


Margret Willey and Linda Dean are working on a project to make and sell KAA tote bags as a fund raiser. Linda Dean’s daughter will sew the tote bags.


The next meeting was scheduled for October 31, 2010 at 2:00 p. m. at the Burnsville Public Library.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p. m. [M/s Linda Moore/ Paul Peck]

Read and approved:

Paul Peck, Secretary

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