Minutes of the September 18, 2011 meeting of the Kanawha Alumni Association


The Kanawha Alumni Association met at 2:05 p. m. at the Burnsville Public Library.


Those in attendance were:

·         KAA President Thomas Crutchfield

·         Carl Ray Blake

·         Sharon Brady

·         Shirley Lloyd

·         Butch McPherson

·         Linda Moore

·         Paul Pec

·         Margret Willey


Margret Willey read the minutes from the July 17, 2011 meeting. The minutes were approved with the word "computers" changed to "printer". [M/s Shirley Lloyd, Sharon Brady]


KAA President Tom Crutchfield had asked Butch McPherson to serve as our Vice President and Butch had agreed to serve. The KAA approved the appointment of Franklin Henry "Butch" McPherson as Vice President for the remainder of the 2011-2012 term. [M/s Paul Peck /Margret Willey]


Paul Peck is to contact David Parmer in order to ask him for questions and answers from last year's program and for a corrected copy of booklet on Burnsville High School students who served and died in World War II. He was also to ask David to include more questions concerning students from the 50's and 60's in the 2012 session.


Shirley Lloyd gave a treasurer’s report. The following balances were reported:

·         Endowment $3,540.00

·         Checking Account $6,865.42 [August 31]

·         CNB CD $6,354.96


The other balances were unchanged since the last report.


The Treasurer’s report was approved. [M/s Paul Peck / Sharon Brady]


Margret Willey noted that the KAA owes $45 to Roy McDougal for storage fee for three months. She also reported that Russell McClain and Dave Mace moved our supplies from Roy's storage unit to our school storage areas.

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