Minutes of the Kanawha Alumni Association
September 20, 2015 Meeting


The September 20, 2015 meeting of the Kanawha Alumni Association was called to order by KAA Vice President, Donna Singleton at 3:40 p.m. in the Burnsville Public Library.  The members present were Dustin Crutchfield, Shirley Lloyd, Paul Peck, Donna Singleton, Deanna Stewart, and Margret Willey.
The KAA reviewed the draft minutes of the June 21, 2015 meeting.
It was reported that the Burnsville School Principal is in favor of having an alumni bulletin board.
Secretary Paul Peck reported that Brandy Drake had received the KAA's letter and that she is working at Kroger.
The KAA discussed issues with seating attendees.  We will note on replies to the invitation where attendees will eat.
Deanna Stewart suggested that the KAA rent tables from Lambert's Winery, making our reservation for the tables early in 2016.
The bulletin board is being moved into the hallway where students line up to go to the bathroom; a new bulletin board will be prepared each month.


The KAA may refer readers to the KAA website for a complete list of the attendees at the annual banquet.


Donna Singleton noted that there will be links on the website for different reunions.
The KAA discussed other issues from last May's banquet including items we ran out of.  We may need to buy more cups this year.

Donna Singleton will talk with Braxton County High School seniors from the Burnsville area earlier than in previous years--perhaps in January--with applications being made available to them by March 1.


As the KAA develops new projects, Donna Singleton plans to put links to information about them on the website.  Such information is already available concerning the stage; the first one she plans to develop is for the Alumni Room.
The minutes of the June 21, 2015 meeting of the KAA were approved with a correction to the footer.  [M/s Dustin Crutchfield/Paul Peck]
Boody Talbott gave Deanna Stewart three or four yearbooks from the period when Boody worked at the school.  Deanna will put these on display.  Deanna reported that one shadow box fell off the wall in the Alumni Room and needs repaired.  She also reported that there had been mold on some jackets in the Alumni Room and on seats in the auditorium.  It is believed that this may have been due to air conditioning and the exceptionally wet weather in June.  Deanna will clean the jackets.
Deanna Stewart wants the KAA to put a minimum starting bid on each artistic item donated by Sandy Conrad for the KAA auction.
The KAA has an old empty cabinet in our closet.  The closet will be reorganized.
Margret Willey suggested that the KAA prepare a cook book of Alumni recipes as a fundraiser.  We might collect recipes on the website.  Dustin Crutchfield will price preparation costs at the GSC print shop.
It was also suggested that the KAA might put pictures of alumni reunion classes on a quilt that could be auctioned or raffled.
Treasurer Shirley Lloyd gave the treasurer's report which the KAA approved.  The KAA checking account balance on August 31, 2015 was $816.10 after payment of scholarships.  The KAA Endowment fund balance on August 31, 2015 was $8,442.00. [M/s Paul Peck/Margret Willey]  Shirley expressed concern about the late starting time for this meeting and expressed her preference for an earlier starting time for the KAA's regularly scheduled meetings.
Since the Burnsville Baptist Church is having a dedication of their new church on October 18 when the next KAA meeting is scheduled, the KAA changed the meeting date and starting time for our next meeting to 1:30 p.m. on October 25, 2015. [M/s Paul Peck/Dustin Crutchfield]  The KAA also agreed to change the starting time of regularly scheduled meetings from 2:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.  Donna Singleton will change the starting times on the website.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:46 p.m. [M/s Deanna Stewart/Dustin Crutchfield]

Read and approved


Paul Peck, Secretary
Recording Secretary of the Kanawha Alumni Association
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